Your guide to perimenopause

Your guide to perimenopause

Your guide to perimenopauseYou go to your doctor hoping for tips about what to expect, the symptoms you are having, and how to navigate and you get a good luck with that! Well, I'm here to help!  NatalieSigns and Symptoms of PerimenopauseWhen your sleep starts to turn...

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Natural remedies for seasonal allergies

Natural remedies for seasonal allergies

My oldest started with seasonal allergies when he was just 4 years old.  We took him to the allergist to find he is allergic to: grass, pollen, weeds, dogs and cats. When things were not under control, he was itching his eyes so much that they were almost closed...

In recent years, the importance of the gut microbiota has come more clearly into the picture as playing an important role in immune-related diseases, and even in regulating predisposition to diseases. (1)  The microbes found within the body help to digest food and...

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Years ago when I was pregnant with my third baby and had two toddlers, I was getting head colds often, and my chiropractor friend told me about Vitamin D deficiency and how much Vitamin D myself and the kids should take during the winter time. I did research and ever...

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